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Bussum Sint Janslaan 43 , 43A, 43B, 43C 45, 45A, 45B & 45C (The Netherlands)
€ 1.250.000
House / apartment
Tilburg Brasemstraat 16 (The Netherlands)
€ 435.000
Room rental property
Heerlen Marshallsingel 45 (The Netherlands)
€ 135.000
House / apartment
Amsterdam Johan Huizingalaan 278 & 280 (The Netherlands)
€ 600.000
Farmsum Visserijweg 2 (The Netherlands)
€ 1.050.000
Commercial building
Veghel Meijerijstraat 3 -6 (The Netherlands)
€ 845.000
Commercial building
Hilversum Vaartweg 139 (The Netherlands)
€ 775.000
Room rental property
Amsterdam Asterweg 17 A26 (The Netherlands)
€ 1.495.000
Commercial building
Vinkeveen Herenweg 276 28 (The Netherlands)
€ 345.000
Recreational properties
Kerkrade Hoofdstraat 25 & 25A (The Netherlands)
€ 300.000
Retail / housing
Rotterdam Noordmolenstraat 81 (The Netherlands)
€ 575.000
Retail / housing
Wageningen & Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
€ 245.000
Garage box
Spijk Alberdaweg 9 (The Netherlands)
€ 1.395.000
Heythuysen Stationsstraat 3 & 3A (The Netherlands)
€ 695.000
Amersfoort Valutaboulevard 30 (The Netherlands)
€ 1.999.500
Commercial building
Heerlen Navolaan 58 (The Netherlands)
€ 156.000
House / apartment
Rijen Oosterhoutseweg 13 (The Netherlands)
€ 28.000