Heliumstraat 64 image
Heliumstraat 64 image
Heliumstraat 64 image

Beleggingpand Heliumstraat 64 in Zoetermeer verkocht

The status of the investment property Heliumstraat 64 in Zoetermeer has been changed to 'sold'.
This investment property was published on our platform in 11 juni 2024. We congratulate the seller on the sale.
  • Asking price: € 3.999.995
  • Rental price: € 388.545
  • At the time of publication we used the following description:
    Due to its striking architecture, this multi-tenant office building is a striking appearance among all the buildings on the Lansinghage business park in Zoetermeer. The building was built in 1999 and has a square shape. Although the building is characterized by high-quality office space - approximately 3,265 m² LFA - it also has a number of business spaces - approximately 868 m². The square shape of the building optimizes the entry of daylight, which ensures a pleasant indoor climate.

    The Heliumstraat is part of the Lansinghage business park. The business park is enclosed by the N470 and the A12. Heliumstraat 64 is located on the edge of the site in an excellent visible location on the N470. The location within the Haaglanden region and surrounding areas is an extremely accessible business park. The building has ample parking (including charging stations).

    The building is rented to six tenants. The largest tenant is a nationally operating consultancy firm for small and medium-sized businesses. This tenant has recently extended the lease, meaning that he will remain housed in the building until at least 2029. The other tenants are regionally oriented and have remaining lease terms that vary from 1 to 6 years.

    There is currently approximately 22% vacancy (920 m2), spread over 2 wings. One wing has recently been revitalized into 8 ready-to-use office rooms and ready for rental. The other wing is airframe.

    The theoretical rental flow at full occupancy is € 465,000.

    There are two independent valuation reports from autumn 2023 with market valuations of respectively €5,750,000 and €4,720,000.

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