Hengelo, Raadhuisstraat 8 image
Hengelo, Raadhuisstraat 8 image
Hengelo, Raadhuisstraat 8 image

Beleggingspand Raadhuisstraat 8 in Hengelo verkocht

The status of the investment property Raadhuisstraat 8 in Hengelo has been changed to 'sold'.
This investment property was published on our platform in 07 december 2023. We congratulate the seller on the sale.
  • Asking price: € 430.000
  • Rental price: € 33.954
  • At the time of publication we used the following description:
    Located in Hengelo (Gelderland), on behalf of our client, we offer a rented shop + rented warehouse located on Raadhuisstraat. The object is located at an excellent sight location, on a corner. 

    The retail unit was completed in 2001 and leased to the town's leading florist. Raadhuisstraat is the main shopping street of Hengelo (GLD) and houses various (inter)national and local retailers as well as various catering establishments. Besides the HEMA and Albert Heijn, Ter Stal, Action and butcher's shop Raterink are also located in the town centre.

    Hengelo (GLD) is one of the main centres of the municipality of Bronckhorst, the large rural municipality located between the cities of Doetinchem and Zutphen.

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